Depression: 3 Surefire Ways To Kick The Black Dog & Get Your Life Back [PODCAST]

Depression: 3 Surefire Ways To Kick The Black Dog & Get Your Life Back [PODCAST]

Depression getting you down?

Ami and David give a fresh take on what it means to be burdened by the black dog.

Sharing their own journey through the darkness, and shining some light on the signposts they've discovered to guide you towards the end of the deep dark tunnel.

And all without asking "have you tried exercising?"

Listen right now to this episode about how to lift depression:

Do you ever wonder, "What the f*ck am I doing here? Is this it?"

Maybe you've got the car, career, house, family and friends - everything that SHOULD make you happy. But still, there's this tenacious sense of being trapped, stuck, lost. Or just a bit bloody empty.

Welcome to the Notcast Podcast!

Where two therapist-coaches - AKA thera-coaches - lay bare their psycho-spiritual journey of struggle, strife, and realisation in their soul-search for the keys to a happier, more fulfilling life.

(Looking for help to lift depression? Transformative Coaching and Hypnotherapy in Leighton Buzzard and Milton Keynes can help you. Get In touch to learn how)