Betrayal: How Do I Trust Again? 3 Steps To Restoring Your Faith In Humanity [PODCAST]

Betrayal: How Do I Trust Again? 3 Steps To Restoring Your Faith In Humanity [PODCAST]

Been beguiled by betrayal?

Listen in to hear Ami and David inform against their experience of betrayal and broken trust in various relationships, and what it takes to come out of the other side un-defected.

Taking a stab at the back and front-end of such topics as:

⭕️ What really makes a person betray?

⭕️ Betrayal vs. self-betrayal

⭕️ Why betrayal could be the worst thing we experience as human beings

⭕️ The safety-stuckness trap of taking the higher ground

⭕️ The powerful perspective-shifting question you can ask yourself to help regain your trust again

How do you learn to trust again and stop pointing the finger without good treason?

Tune in to find out.

Listen in right now to this episode of the Notcast Podcast about how to deal with betrayal and learn to trust people again:

Looking for help with being hurt and betrayed, trust issues, and learning to trust people again? I help people worldwide via video-call and face-to-face in Leighton Buzzard, Milton Keynes, and Brighton & Hove using Transformative Coaching and Hypnotherapy. Get in touch to learn more